On Focus: Carolyn Dean's "The Trouble with (the term) Art" c. 2005 Full original article: https://www.bucknell.edu/documents/griotinstitute/deanarticle.pdf Carolyn Dean Professor of Art History at the University Of California, Santa Cruz Author of the article In “The Trouble with (the Term) Art” 2005, Carolyn Dean writes a compelling argument and analysis of the contemporary art history world, in which eurocentrism and western perspectives have created a one-size-fits-all terminology of the word “art” when it comes to foreign indigenous visual cultures. At first, Dean introduces the well-known controversial issue of the diction behind primitive art, but then exposes this popular debate as a cover-up from the real problem; the word “art”. Dean makes it apparent throughout her whole paper that the word “art” is not applicable to prehistoric visual cultures that measure their artistic worth differently than the western world. The author does this repeatedly, cit...
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